Reese’s ColoTest® Makes DSN Five Notable Products

Drug Store News included Reese’s ColoTest® in their five notable products from January. “HRG reviewed 28 products in the health category, 136 items in the wellness sector, and 114 items in the beauty aisle to see which ones stood out as Products to Watch.” 

Honored, ColoTest® is a unique screening method that allows consumers to test at home and receive 98.8% accurate results. ColoTest® is a Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) to detect blood in the stool, which may offer an early warning for such conditions as colorectal cancer, diverticulitis, gastrointestinal disorders, colitis, and polyps. With results as soon as one minute, ColoTest® offers a fast, easy, and economical stool screening method for consumers searching for a more affordable colon cancer screening option. The full article can be read here.


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