Crain’s Cleveland Business Shares Reese’s ColoTest Entrance to the At-Home Testing Market

Crains Cleveland Business article screencapture

In a recent interview with Paige Bennett at Crain’s Cleveland Business, President of Reese Pharmaceutical, Jeffrey Reese, discussed Reese’s ColoTest and the importance of early detection in colorectal cancer screening.

With colon cancer cited by the American Cancer Society (ACS) as the leading cancer death for men under 50 (and second for women under 50), CRC screening and awareness is more critical than ever. In Ohio alone, the ACS estimated more than 5,800 people will be diagnosed with CRC in 2024. This April, Ohio Department of Health Director Bruce Vanderhoff held a press conference highlighting what he called “alarming rates” of colorectal cancer in young adults.

The Reese team is proud to offer an at-home fecal immunochemical test (FIT) and looks forward to growing our at-home testing portfolio to continue to support the needs of our community and communities across the US.


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